Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hoping for sping

We've had such nice weather in the past week and I'm really hoping it's here to stay. We didn't get much snow here but it has been cold, rainy and bleak. So warm sunshine is welcome!!! I saw some buds out on the trees today and that is a sure sign if spring. I do wish that the wind would come and blow all these old rotten leaves away. They make the yard ugly and and come spring I will have to rake them up.That is a job I don't like especially since you can't play in them this time. Yes, I still play in leaves.(with the little siblings) So come soon spring and sunshine. Please!!!! 


  1. Yes!!! Oh, please Lord! Let it come quickly!! I'm FREEZING down here in Texas! (And Spring also means I'm one season closer to going home!)

    haha, Thanks for the post, Becca! And thank you for following me on my blog. :)


  2. You've been tagged!!! :D Hop on over to my blog!!

  3. Hello, Rebecca!
    Thank you for following my blog! I surely will do likewise and follow you'rs
    I am very excited to getting to know you more and reading your posts!
    I sure do love spring, also!


  4. I love your blog! I'm a new follower.


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